
How Is Jesus Central To All Scripture

Jesus Series Graphics_Projector _Title _week 2

Jesus at the Centre of Scripture

In the days of the early Church, Philip was called by God to preach in Samaria. Many people were saved through this ministry. In the midst of this great move, God told Philip to become to Gaza, South of Israel. This was a very deserted area, only it was hither (Acts 8:29) that Philip saw a human being inside a chariot. The homo was reading the book of Isaiah, yet did not understand it. He encouraged Philip to sit in the carriage with him and teach him the following scripture:

"He was led similar a sheep to the slaughter. As a lamb is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth. He was humiliated and received no justice. Who tin can speak of his descendants? For his life was taken from the world." (Acts 8:32-33)

It was through this scripture that Philip was able to tell this human the Good News nearly Jesus (Acts eight:34-35).

The One-time Testament is an amazing book. Written across the span of 1500 years from more than 40 authors, it tells one continuous unified story. The Bible is a phenomenon. How could all these authors, beyond such a large time span, produce a unified story from outset to end?

In reality, the whole Quondam Attestation is the story of the man Jesus Christ. He is the central theme of the Bible. In John v:39, He says, "You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to Me!" Jesus made an amazing announcement. He was discussing the Old Testament, because the New Testament had non been written however.

See Matt. 5:17-18, Mk. 12:36. Jesus believed and taught from the Old Testament writings, and He acted upon them. When tempted past Satan in the desert, He said: "It is written", referring to the Old Testament Scriptures. He knew the Scriptures to be the words of God the Male parent, therefore there was no place for argument or negotiation. He was adamant to obey God His Begetter, and then he had to submit to the Former Testament.

Jesus turned to the Scriptures to:

  • Answer questions
  • Solve problems
  • Settle disputes

Who was the God that created Heaven and earth? Jehovah—the cocky-existing one! The New Testament interprets the Old Testament, and tells u.s.a. that Jesus was already in Christ the Son at creation. See Jn. 1:ane-four, Col. ane:16, Gen. iii:15.

Jesus is represented past several characters in the Bible. Isaac was a type of Jesus. Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice Isaac his son on Mount Moriah. On that same mountain two,000 years later, God offered Jesus our Saviour.

In Genesis, Joseph was another type of Jesus. He was rejected by his brothers and sought subsequently to be killed, yet was exalted by God.

Jesus is interwoven with all of the instruction of the Tabernacle. This is why information technology was easy for Philip to teach the man about Jesus.

David spoke prophetically near the coming of Jesus: "So I said, 'Look, I take come up. As is written about me in the Scriptures…'"

Some people might say they believe in God but accept difficulty with Jesus Christ. Yous cannot believe in the god revealed in the Bible and take difficulty believing in Jesus. He is the God of the Bible! John said that if you don't abide in the doctrine of Christ, then you lot don't accept God, obviously and simple. Run into Jn. five:23.

The man in the carriage with Philip was reading one of the Bible's 300 prophesies of the works of Jesus Christ.

The chance of Jesus fulfilling even 48 of these prophesies was i×ten157. This number is and then vast, our minds cannot conceive it. It would take 19 million years to count to this number, at a rate of 250 per minute. However, Jesus did not fulfill 48 prophesies, He fulfilled all 300!

Jesus is the central personality in the Bible. This is why you lot can base your faith on Jesus. Through preaching about Jesus, Philip was bringing hope to the man. We can bring others that same hope today with this bulletin of dearest!

That human being began to believe in the Jesus of the Scripture, was baptized, and went on His way rejoicing.

If you are really searching, God is faithful. He will reveal Himself to you. Merely you volition not find God until you notice Jesus, for He is the just manner to the Male parent. Where do you stand this morning?

Philip was an Evangelist considering:

  • He believed in Jesus
  • He had entrusted his life to Him
  • He shared, and talked about Him
  • He had no uncertainty about His Jesus
  • He knew the Scriptures, had prepared himself, and was disciplined to Evangelize.

We are called to do the aforementioned. Nosotros must receive Jesus, be a witness for Him, and entrust our whole life to Him with no reservation.

Jesus Series Graphics_Projector _Title _week 2


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