
How To Use Visuals For Self Management

Learning new self-intendance tasks such as dressing oneself takes time and practise. A visual sequence is basically a series of pictures showing the steps that are necessary to consummate a task.

Breaking a self-care task into several steps (a process also known as chore analysis) will make it easier for your child to follow along when you lot begin educational activity him how to do information technology. As adults, we sometimes forget how many steps are involved in a task because we have been doing it for then long. Let's take 'brushing teeth' as an example. Here are just some of the steps involved: finding one'due south toothbrush, getting some toothpaste, opening toothpaste, squeezing toothpaste onto the toothbrush, opening one's rima oris, brushing teeth gently, and rinsing ane's mouth with h2o. Even a simple task like brushing teeth can be very circuitous.

Now, list the steps to a cocky-care task that you would like to teach your child. Once yous have the steps listed, brand a note of which steps he is able to do and which ones may be hard. This will assistance you plan which steps to focus on when you begin pedagogy.

When creating a visual sequence remember that it is hard for children (and adults) to absorb more than six or seven steps at a time. Once you have listed the steps of a cocky-intendance task yous are ready to create a visual sequence. This will help your child:

  1. Know which objects he needs to complete the task.
  2. Acquire how he can utilise these objects.
  3. Understand the sequence of actions he must follow to complete the job.

Types of pictures to use


Yous can utilise photos of a sibling completing the self-care task, cut pictures from a magazine, or draw them yourself. Yous can besides visit the Visuals Engine to utilize picture symbols. Make sure that the pictures are clear and that your kid volition be able to identify the objects in the photos or drawings. Information technology is a good idea to label each pace in the sequence with words as a reminder for anybody involved in your child's self-intendance routines. For instance, the words "Get toothbrush" can be printed in a higher place a picture of a toothbrush. Using the same words to describe the actions will make it easier for your child to larn the steps in the sequence.

Educational activity the new skill

When teaching your child a new skill, information technology helps if the infinite y'all are using is organized and free of distractions. For instance, in the bathroom, you can gear up aside a pocket-size space in a cabinet or on the counter with the objects your child needs to brush his teeth. Providing him with a colourful toothbrush and special 'kid-friendly' toothpaste volition aid make 'brushing teeth' more than enjoyable.

Introduce the visual sequence by posting it at your child's eye level, pointing to the picture of each step, and reading its label before completing the action. This teaches the connectedness between a specific picture and action. Once your kid is familiar with the visual sequence, you lot can ask him to say or point to the next pace.

Some steps of the task may be physically difficult for your child to learn even though he knows what to do. If he becomes frustrated, ask if he needs aid and guide him through the step hand over hand. Information technology is OK if yous need to help your child with nigh of the routine. The important office is to praise him for his efforts.

In time, you may notice that your child is able to complete some of the steps on his own and with little supervision. At this time, yous can decrease the number of pictures in the visual sequence. For example, 'get toothbrush and toothpaste', 'brush teeth', 'rinse mouth'. One time you are sure that your kid is brushing his teeth properly you may desire to permit him to do it on his ain once a day. Be sure to leave the sequence posted as a reminder!

Call back that visual supports make it easier for a child to sympathise and communicate. Using visuals to teach your child self-care skills is the first step towards independence.

How To Use Visuals For Self Management,


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